I don't claim to be an expert fisherman ... just a guy who loves to fish and has been blessed for his efforts. I learned a long time ago that in fishing, and in much of life, you get out of it what you put into it. I work hard when fishing, I study a lot, and always try to learn something on every outing. I hope you can use the information I post on this blog to learn something as well. Thanks for following along!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Personal Best

I was fortunate enough to get my personal best Brown through the ice this past Saturday. She was a 34" spawned out seeferellon that ate a peach colored spawn sac in about 12' of water. Short but intense fight and CPR'd.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Steelhead Time!

Finally got a decent fish through the ice yesterday. Based on the fish we caught and marked on our Vexilars ... the Steelhead are getting thicker in the rivers and harbors.

Monday, March 4, 2013

So much for that idea ...

I was hoping to put the ice gear away for the year and start getting ready to long rod some steelhead. Then I got a deal I couldn't refuse on a brand spanking new Jiffy Pro 4 10" propane auger. Now I've got to hit the ice at least one more time!